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CRUFTS - England

08.03.2018 || place: Birmingham || judge: Miss T M Eades

What an incredible day in the Crufts 2018 for us and our dogs, I'm extremely happy and honored of the big awarding of Hera's and Orton's in this special Day

*Hera* Pro Dexter DEJA VÚ (InterCh, MultiCh, GrandCh CESAR Dexter x ISIA Grandis) Post graduate class (19 entries) - 3rd place in the competition of 19 female!! Limit class (8 entries) - 5th place with VHC


*Orton* Pro Dexter BOOM SHAKALAKA (BEATLES Black Super Star - MultiCh. JunMultiCh. CW'15 XTREME UNIQUE Dexter)

Puppy class (6 entries) - 2nd place!! Junior class (7 entries) - 3rd place!!

Many thanks for judge Miss T M Eades!!

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29.06.2019 || Trondheim CACIB || judge Ineke Zwaartman- Pinster What a day! cold, rainy and cloudy... and we in summer clothes...


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