23.06.2019 || Maura || judge Luza Beradze
Fantastic sunny Sunday behind us... at the dog show of course
NJV'18 NordJV'18 Pro Dexter BOOM SHAKALAKA (BEATLES Black Super Star - InterCh, MultiCh, JunMultiCh, CW'15 XTREME UNIQUE Dexter)
Open class winner, CK, Best Male and BOS !!!
Br./ow. Me
And his amazing mother... our diamond, after almost seven months break returns to the show ring with a great result: Champion class second place, CK and III Best Female
CIB, MultiCh, GrandCh, MultiJunCh, CV'15 XTREME UNIQUE Dexter (JCH.PL BARBOK Jardin D'or - SUNFLOVER As Sadace)
Br. Hanna Grzelczak, Ow. Me!!